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Items for Thursday, October 02, 2008

Eating Their Young: My debate reactions follow.

  • John McCain has sacrificed one of his own party's best hopes by pulling Palin into the VP nomination about 3-5 years before she's actually prepared. She did a reasonably decent job in the debates. In fact, put her in the Republican primary debates and she would have won, as she was far, far better than most of the tripe that was regurgitated by the candidates in the Republican field. But she's going to lose this election and she's going to get the blame (though it's actually McCain who is to blame -- see Post Turtle). Now, I could never vote for someone who supports the policies she is for, but I can recognize a genuine political talent, and a truly winning personality (though some of her tics do grate a bit) -- she would have been a huge star on the national scene and a formidable opponent had she been allowed to grow into national policy experience and knowledge.
  • Just as I noticed the night of Palin's speech at the RNC, Republicans sure do like to tell lies.
  • Biden was much better than I expected. He looked relaxed, he clearly had the facts at his disposal and wasn't delivering prepared speeches. That was clear from the relative pacing of the two's comments -- Biden was measured and varied the pace of his remarks, while Palin raced through everything, as though she wanted to make sure she'd get through all the prepared points before time ran out. While she didn't crack, she was clearly not a seasoned debater on these issues.

It's pretty clear to me that Biden won simply by relaxing and being himself. Palin certainly may have repaired her growing reputation for incompetence in speaking, but she still wasn't in the same league as her opponent. In short, Palin exceeds the extremely low expectations, but Biden still wins.

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